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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Quelling the toddler frustration!

Okay, parenting help!

My toddler (a 31 month old boy) is a bundle of frustration and emotion at any given time of the day! He's very curious and independent. Typical for a toddler, he has to have things his way, a very certain, specific way, or no way at all. And when he decides it's NOT happening, there is no talking him down - much to the dismay of parents out there who try to step in and offer assistance. It's something for him that just has to pass - in an hour or two!

He's very passionate (and I'm taming my idealism) and as a result, these meltdowns are many and often!

I'm struggling with the best way to manage these frequent outbursts and qell my own frustration. You see, I also have a 9 month old. She's very laid back but I feel like I've been mostly ignoring her while I deal with my son. The problem is that I can't discipline him every time he acts this way or we spend most of the day at odds, but I just feel like I'm running out of creativity and diversion tactics!

Ultimately, it seems like I'm tiptoeing around his mood somedays and I just don't think that will serve either of us well in the future.

Any help!?

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